Meetings with Czech Technical University head of international relations and vice-dean of IT and with the head of international relations at VSE (School of Business and Economics) and at Charles University allowed AUT President Ghada Hinain to initiate collaboration at many levels with universities in Prague.
It was decided to propose courses in AI, Robotics and Network Security for CTU faculty to teach to AUT students and to admit AUT students in the state-of-the-art labs of robotics at CTU during the summer. Joint research was also discussed as topics will be decided by a joint team of faculty from both universities. The meeting at CTU was attended by the Vice-Dean of IT and senior staff at the International Relations of CTU.
At VSE, collaboration on MBA, CEMS and Transport Management was discussed with Vladislav Tyll, head of International Relations. Faculty exchange was a top priority for both institutions and President Hinain will be selecting AUT Business faculty to collaborate with VSE faculty.
At Charles University a meeting with VP International Relations Marketa Krizova opened the way for collaboration on Water Resources Science and on Environmental Health as well as on Arts including design.
The visits of President Hinain to universities in Prague was part of her plan to foster collaboration with European universities and will be followed by similar visits in other cities and countries.